Monday, February 18, 2008

The Stolen Generations

The stolen Generations events gave lots of Aboriginal chilren trauma and suffering.

It's about the Australian government having made the biggest mistake for Aboriginal children.
When the first white people came to Australia, the government started a policy of separating Aboriginal children from their families. That way they would assimilate.
The new Rudd governmenthas just said sorry.

I think if the government say sorry, they would give their apologies step by step. Many children experienced physical, sexual and emotional abuse in their foster families and institutions after they were removed. After that many children had diffculties finding members of their own family.


Bing said...

Who is sairelking?

COMEE2008 said...

dear Ivy,
you have good job,I like your picture, too.

rosa ochoa said...

Hi Ivy,

I agree with your views about the Stolen Generations and the apology from the government.

I've noticed a comment that you may want to delete. Talk to me about how to do it in class.

Ivy said...



海洋饼干の部屋 said...

Good point!! From this story you learn a lot.